Don Mann on Survival Dispatch - Staying Safe: Tips for Rest Areas & Truck Stops

On this episode of SDN, our panel, including Don Mann, discusses safety precautions at rest areas and truck stops. Both of these areas are transitional spaces that attract some of the worse elements of society.

Don't miss this episode if you want to improve your SOPs when you're in the danger zone.

Our panel includes ...

Don Mann, legendary SEAL Team 6 warrior [RET]

Mike Sterling, US Army EOD Master Tech [RET]

Chris Heaven, CEO Survival Dispatch

Jeff Emde, CIA Operative [RET]

Video also available here:

#combatmindset #survival #urbansurvival #shtfsurvival


Product Endorsement: Urban Carry G3 Holster


Don Mann on Survival Dispatch - Choose Safety|Learn How to be Gas Station Ready